There is the original link of comics -

There is my comment for this comic. “How can you not love this comic? It has an important reminder of human’s deficit with the funny comic.”

The same part of the brain that responds to a PHYSICAL threat responds to an INTELLECTUAL one. This area of the brain is known as the amygdala.

Just remember that your worldview isn’t a perfect house that use built to last forever. It’s a cheap condo, and over time most of it will turn to shit.

It did remind me Marc Andreessen told “You have to be ruthlessly open-minded and constantly willing to reexamine your assumptions.

The mind can’t separate the emotional cortex from the logical one. And one could argue that this emotional underbelly is what makes us human. But I would argue that it’s also what makes us animals.

I let the emotional cortex fight its little fight. And then I listen. And then I change.


  1. Marc Andreessen on Change, Constraints, and Curiosity